Saturday, December 26, 2009

Stuff below the fold

Don't eat the lights
and other weird pictures of animals.

If Lawyers wrote "The Night Before Christmas"
via Instapundit

Forcast for the year 2010: We're all gonna go broke.

If they were so bad, Why didn't they just nuke the Na'vi?
What, you want logic from the guy who had a heroine survive for an hour in freezing water?

it's Muharram...Photos of the festival in Tehran24...
and for the Shiia (in Iran and Iraq) Sunday is Ashura...

Prayers for the safety of the pilgrims and protesters.


The Blind Side: The Real Story.

FIlippine news: Small ferry collision here leaves 23 missing..
awaiting the big blowout from Mayon...

But some good news: An endangered Visayan warty pig had 4 piglets at the NFEFI conservation center
(Photo from Oregon Zoo who has more facts on the species HERE).

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