Friday, January 29, 2010

The "PU" (Politics Uggh) headlines of the day

Drudge has a headline pointing out Hillary wasn't at the SOTU.
Is she running for president? Is that why her support blogs have been hit by trolls and those running them losing jobs because of charges they are "racist"?
Inquiring minds want to know.


in the Philippines, charges that our lovely president failed to stop the Manguindanao massacre are unfounded, said her spokemen:
Summary: They were warned not to run against the governor, so it's their fault that his wife and 30 press folks with them were massacred.


Big ice storms in the of the joys of living in Oklahoma is the blackouts from the wires going down, and driving is made impossible.
In an earlier storm, SD Indians lose electrical power due to ice on wires...usually the problem there is being 2o below...I had a patient die because he got lost between the house and the barn in a storm...


Foreigners in Malaysia arrested for links to Pantybomber...
the cleric, described in various news reports as a "freelance" preacher or "graduate student" holding the meeting is a Syrian, and many attending his "lecture" at his private house were foreigners, not locals...


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