Monday, May 10, 2010

Headlines below the fold

Everything causes cancer...ho hum.
if I am cynical, it's because an overblown "green" solution would kill more poor people than a measured approach.

get rid of preservatives, you end up with spoiled food thrown out, higher prices, and death/sickness from spoiled food and natural carcinogens in mold.
In Africa, we saw liver cancer from moldy peanuts and grain...and one of these days, the PC will notice promiscuity causes cancer too.

on the other hand, there are areas in the US where you are warned against eating fish you catch locally due to chemicals or pollution contamination...

related item: Now carbs are the big problem?

Some of my Oklahoma patients used to work in oil rigs in the Gulf, so it is painful to read about those who died in that rig explosion.
The reason? A methane bubble.

and that Russian mine disaster was also caused by either coal dust or hitting a methane bubble...the second explosion probably killed the rescuers. more HERE

MSM outrage when right wing activists out a moderate Republican in the caucuses.
Wonder why no outrage when Obama's left wing activists did the same to Hillary? It wasn't even covered by most papers.

Outrage of the week: euthanizing disabled patients for their organs.

science headline of the day:
Herschel shows star formation is slowing

RCW  120 star formation as seen by Herschel

This large bubble of hot hydrogen gas appears to be a massive star in the making, say astronomers (Source: ESA, PACS, SPIRE Consortia/A Zavagno)

The formation of new stars in galaxies like the Milky Way has declined five-fold in the last three billion years, according to astronomers.

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