Monday, May 03, 2010

Stuff below the fold

it's now "discrimination" to teach table manners in Canada.

Our big election is May 10, so at the fiesta, everyone was wearing teeshirts in their party's color...
Emy handed out one with the mayor candidate's name on the back, but on the front it said: Remember the murder of Dr. Ito...


PhilInquirer editorialist notes: what good is competency if they steal everything in sight?

This is actually about Villar smearing Noyoy...actually Noynoy is the favorite, so he is being smeared with claims he once was treated for mental illness (probably depression, but never mind) and that he is gay (because he is unmarried), smokes cigarettes, and goes to night clubs now and then....

Marong 43 remain in's either a major injustice or a major anti terrorist coup...maybe both...

Some demonstrations, but not many here (more protests overseas than here), making one think something might be going on.


The state of Virginia moves to prevent earthquakes...
cover that bosom or Allah will smite California?...

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