Saturday, May 29, 2010

Stuff below the fold

Webecoist has photos of the world's most colourful SeaSlugs

Father Z writes about Garum, that classical Roman condiment that is made from rotted fish, guts and all...

And he notes you can buy it at Amazon...which describes it as:

Colatura di Alici is an ancient convenience food (thought by most to be what ancient Romans called garum) that adds great anchovy flavor to a dish without having to fillet, rinse and chop the fish. It's essence of anchovy. Our Colatura comes from the enchanting little fishing village of Cetara on the Amalfi coast. When the fish are caught in the summer, the Cetaresi throw them into wooden barrels, alternating layers with handfuls of sea salt . Then the fish are pressed down with a lid weighted with rocks. By December, the anchovies have produced a fragrant translucent amber juice. A hole is poked in the bottom of the barrel and the colatura is drained.

which sounds suspiciously like how Asians make Patis.


Cute photo: An Osprey in a nest at the Kennedy space center

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