Friday, July 09, 2010

Astronomy without Telescopes

We often sit out in the evening and look at the stars. Since we lived in the rural USA, we could identify a lot of constellations.
When I lived in Africa, the nearest "town" was 50 miles away, so if we merely went away from the (lit up) hospital, we could view the Southern Cross and other constellations. But here, with the increased prosperity, "light pollution" is making that difficult in recent years (we live in the center of town). Since the larger towns tend to be north and west of here, our best view is to the south....We have binoculars, but no telescope.

AstronomyCast has a podcast on how to view the stars without a telescope.
Having a Planisphere helps: Uncle Al's Skywheel has PDF files to make your own, and yes, he includes Spanish and Southern Hemisphere charts on his site.
and Pyxis Astonomy has starmaps for the Philippines (i.e. on the equator).
more HERE. Old BBC program on "stars at night" podcasts for streaming HERE.

and factoid of the day: The oldest starmap is 30thousand years old, and has Orien carved on a mammoth tusk...

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