Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Headlines below the fold

Another day, another Typhoon...

It's actually good news: The rain from the typhoon might help the low water levels and stop a water crisis in Manila.

Arlo Guthrie is a registered Republican?
(actually a "RonPaul Republican)...

They catch him on his exaggerations in his song, but fail to mention that Alice's Restaurant had to close when they couldn't afford to renovate for mandated handicapped rest rooms...or that a cheerful Chief Obie played himself in the movie.

For those over 60 or under 40, here is the story of Alice's restaurant....

Nat Hentoff, who was once at the Village Voice, is now writing for the Cato institute against Dr. Berwick and his medical rationing agenda...
my take on Berwick's love of "scientific" medicine here.

One problem with "scientific" studies is that they have their own bias, which is why the Endocrine society is now backing hormones for menopausal women in their 50's...
(the "ain't it awful" "scientific study" was for women over 60 on higher doses of estrogen...for younger women the medicines help symptoms and have health benefits).

I suspect a similar bias in this story: Fish oil lowers breast cancer risk.
why am I skeptical? well, I dropped out of the study because I was making up what I ate (who remembers?)...and a lot of the questions made you want to answer yes to doing all the proper things.
So how many pills, which pills, and how many years were these pills taken? Did they check the bottles to confirm the answers (90 percent of prescriptions aren't taken correctly)? Did the amount taken--number of pills per week for how many years-- correlate with the statistical decrease in cancer?

Loftus' article on creating false memories HERE

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