Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Let's hear it for the Tooks

Lingweblog has a discussion of the name "Took" (as in Peragrin Took, aka Pippin of LOTR).

It seems an early philologist was named
John Horne Tooke (1736–1812)

Took (with it's variations Toka, Tuck, Tycho, and Tucker) means fool.
But it could also be a shortened variation of "tucker", i.e. a fuller of wool cloth...
the history goes way back in England: Wikipedia suggests that Tuka/Took was a common first name that was adopted by their descendents as a last name, i.e. Tockson being shortened to Tock/Took. Apparantly, it was originally a Viking name.

the most famous modern person with the surname is Dr. John Tooke, who became notorious when he dared to write a report to change how medical training is done and suggesting that general practice training be upgraded.

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