Saturday, August 28, 2010

Science news below the fold

The BRAF gene mutation is associated with some cancers, including melanoma.
Now, a drug that targets the gene is in stage 3 trials. antibiotics that target just germs, this will target the gene expression in the cancer cells, not all the body.

Thirty awesome college labs

(Headsup Instapundit)

Your days seem longer than before? blame sunspots.
Now it seems that sunspotsMovie Camera - dark regions that emerge on the sun's surface - may be partly responsible for the millisecond fluctuations in the time it takes Earth to rotate once on its own axis.

DynamicsOfCatsBlog links to a video showing the huge increase in detecting the number of asteroids since 1980


DotPhysics calculates what would happen if everyone on the world jumped at the same time...the answer is: Not much:
the mass of the Earth is so huge that it is going to be pretty darn difficult to get a detectable speed. Also, there is the whole issue of getting everyone at the same place at the same time and getting them to jump at the same time.

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