The gay marriage ruling is a disaster for American democracy.
Laws that ignore biology distort society. Laws that ignore behavior distort society. And Laws that overturn institutions instituted by common law, that predate the country (predate Christianity, predateJudism, predate Confucius, and probably predate Homo Sapiens) ignore that "laws, customs and religious dictums are the way societies encode thousands of years of human experience in what works to make a healthy society".
But the danger to democracy is that, like Massachusetts "gay marriage", it was made by the imperial courts, not the people. This is "social engineering" at worst.
So despite the propaganda in the MSM, this, like Roe, will have consequences that are not forseen: I predict persecution of churches, people and institutions that won't go along...I speak from experience, since I was almost thrown out of medical school for refusing to do abortions.
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