Wednesday, August 25, 2010

War! What's it good for?

One of the problems of studying ancient history is that one keeps running into war...or perhaps I should say the four horsemen of war, anarchy, disease, and famine, since these things seem to go together.

What got me started on this rant was the podcasts on population growth that I am listening to...lots of history here, at least in the earlier podcasts, including a lot of very depressing information about how violence and war caused depopulation over and over again...

This list has lots of depressing details on various "man made death", although as they note, some estimates by those pushing an agenda are estimates not based on scientific data, and others include disease deaths that accompanied conquest.

So if you are interested in history, and how these thing affected population growth, check out the podcast.

And the Military History Podcast has a lots of information on war and conquest in the ancient world too.

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