Saturday, September 11, 2010

Stuff below the fold

The WSJ has an article on Thailand "retraining" waterbuffalo because "tractors" are replacing them. Funny, but here we don't use tractors, but handplows: a type of large rototiller that has revolutionized rice planting here and in China.

The gov't there is even trying to persuade farmers that the backbreaking job of plowing in deep mud with the buffalo is "better"

But actually, a better plan is to use the placid water buffalo as producers of fine, high fat milk, to cut down the import of milk from New Zealand etc.
And yes we use it in our coffee...

the Philippine Carabao center in Munoz was a project of Erap, who is still beloved in thie area...their website is HERE.

If you go to the link and click on a link, you will hear a "moo"...heh.


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