Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Trivia of the day

today's feast day is for "Our Lady of the Rosary".

Why? Because it commemorates the victory at the Battle of Lepanto(1571), that, along with the battle of Vienna (September 11 and 12, 1683) prevented the Ottoman Empire from taking over much of Europe.

Is it merely a coincidence that right now the US and Europe are in an uproar over a possible terrorist attack, many of which come on anniversaries of Muslim defeats or triumphs?

Trivia fact one: It was the last large galley ship battle. But galley ships that rammed other ships were now replaced with wind powered ships that had cannons.

Trivia fact two: Cervantes fought bravely in the battle. He also later was captured and spent five years as a slave in North Africa. Remember this whenever you read Don Quixote.

Three: why the rosary? Because it is the prayer of the ordinary folk that commemorates one who predicted the overthrow of the arrogant and powerful and the rise of the ordinary folk.

Which is why Cardinal Sin carried a statue of the Virgin when he led the crowd praying the rosary and singing hymns during the People's Power revolution.

Indeed, few secular historians bother to see the connection of Mary and John Paul II in the fall of communism either. Presumably t thousand years from now, communism will be long gone but remembered on the feast of "Saint John Paul"

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