Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Stuff below the fold

Whitworth on the UKTelegraph discusses "New York" versus flyover country.

her "New York" is a small group of literati in Manhattan, not the New York city that includes the folks in Harlam or the Bronx.

Another UKTelegraph article on the Anglican bishops who heading to join Rome,
and how the very liberal UK Catholic bishops are upset that they might have to tolerate...believing Christians in their ranks.


Factoid of the day: By promoting Natural Family planning, the population growth of the Philippines has decreased from 6 kids per family to 3.. It's about population control, not poverty.

There is a difference, and I've written about it elsewhere.


What's wrong with these ads?

This ad, depicting a father and son in the throes of a climate change-induced flood, is punctuated by air conditioning units exactly like the real ones sticking out of the building it’s mounted on.

Yeah, airconditioning caused the most devestating floods in history?
like these

and then there is the MTV ads:
MTV made a dramatic statement with a series of ads that aimed to get youth fired up about global warming, depicting nature as an angry fist pummeling man-made structures in the form of tsunamis, tornados and forest fires. The ads read, respectively, “Since 1970 the number of natural catastrophes has quadrupled.” “Since 1960 the number of forest fires has increased tenfold.”

yes, Gaia is angry at rich New Yorkers, so she killed...100 thousand poor Indonesians?

as for forest fires, they are more numerous and smaller than in the past.

Some of this is due to a climate change and less rainfall in the western US, something that started 1000 years ago.
From Grissino-Mayer's 2129-Year Reconstruction of Precipitation for Northwestern New Mexico, USA. Units are of standard deviation. Red indicates periods of drought.

I think of myself as "green", but the shoddy fake science propaganda of the "climate change" folks is not helping anyone.

SPIKED has an essay on the same subject HERE.
Spiked also refer to a BBC4 film, (watch it here)which is blocked for our area so I can't embed it.

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