Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Stuff below the fold

The Top Gear guys made it through Alabama VIDEO with only a few threats and stones, (what did they expect when they painted "down with NASCAR" on the side of their car?)

but their Burkha antics are causing quite a ruckus in the UK.

The Russians pulled down the house where the last Tsar and his family was executed, but the Russian church now has built a chapel there. More at Atlasobscura.

Was living in ancient Egypt exotic? No, says Archeoblog
most were hardworking farmers/construction workers/weavers etc.

And here is a link about Ahkhnatan's bathing room.
and one on ancient people with cancer.

you know, the Nile is full of Shistosomiasis, yet one rarely hears about that disease plaguing their workers. Yes, it was a major problem, and seen in mummies, but since mummies tend to be upper class, their contact with the contaminated river water would be less intense, hence fewer infections.
another pdf here.

attention world: The Chupacabra monster is dead.

next step: finding Bigfoot and the Jersey devil...

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