Thursday, December 30, 2010

Stuff below the fold

ancient Germany did have cities (and some German cities might be 1000 years older than thought) if this map is right.

from DerSpiegel
Graphic: Ptolemy's map of Germania
Celtic gold in Germany, and Viking meeting place/tomb in Sherwood forest.

headsupSunken civilization.

another article about Cancer in the ancient world.

SavageMindsBlog (an anthropology blog) links to a Psyorg story about using Avatar faces on robots to teach Korean children English.

the problem?

"...The robots, which display an avatar face of a Caucasian woman, are controlled remotely by teachers of English in the Philippines -- who can see and hear the children via a remote control system. Cameras detect the Filipino teachers' facial expressions and instantly reflect them on the avatar's face, said Sagong Seong-Dae, a senior scientist at KIST."

TopGear: equal opportunity "insulter"

not very daring, guys: Monty Python was there first.

BBC reporter being held by a Hamas related Gaza?
and of course, everyone is pretending that Hamas isn't running a police state there and probably knows where he is being held.


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