Monday, January 03, 2011

Don't mess with the geek

An Australian newspaper said that Wikileaks allies have taken down some of Mugabe's websites:

Cyber activists said they had brought down government websites after Mr Mugabe's wife, Grace, sued a newspaper for $US15 million for publishing a WikiLeaks cable that linked her with the alleged trade in illicit diamonds, and Zimbabwe considered treason charges against the Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai, over talks with US diplomats revealed by WikiLeaks.

Anonymous, a loose-knit group that has vowed to paralyse sites that act against WikiLeaks, said on its website: ''We are targeting Mugabe and his regime in the Zanu-PF who have outlawed the free press and threaten to sue anyone publishing WikiLeaks.''
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Mrs Mugabe has launched a defamation suit against the Zimbabwe Standard

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