Monday, March 21, 2011

Another reason to study history

Austin Bay calls what is going on in Libya and the middle East "world War I part four".

for more background, check the European history link under podcasts and listen to Dr. Anderson's lectures about world war I.

The demise of the Ottoman and Austrian Empires was due to nationalism, but we are still living with the results of their demise.

and no, I don't know much about it, although I did bring a book on the Ottoman Empire with me to the Philippines here, I haven't gotten around to reading it...

and the best "on the ground" coverage is from AlJezeerah...why? Because you already know they are biased (i.e. give the Arab point of view) and will not bias it for political gain.
And thcy actually note other things brewing in the area.

but don't worry. The US press still knows who is the real enemy: Sarah Palin.

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