Friday, March 11, 2011

Stuff below the fold

Essay on social science: Bias? Moi?

(via Instapundit)

The left wars and democracy.

Actually, if one sees the US as a Republic, where various factions are balanced to allow public discourse, the problem is even more serious.
It's the Gracchi brothers redux: they used the mob and ignored tradition to overcome the "evil" Senate to benefit "the poor"...ultimately destroying the checks and balances that kept Rome stable.

but of course, multiculturalism has delegated the study of the classics into a superficial overview of many civilizations, not an in depth study of how civilizations actually work.


also Instapundit link: A review of a novel on "self fulfilled lives" by David Brooks.

Thank you, I'll stick to Stephanie Plum, with her loving extended family, over these narcissistic navel gazers.


Filipina nurses finally have to desert their work in Libya.

But never fear. Obama knows the real enemy: the republicans.
and the US failure to lead has consequences: Not only does this allow Kadaffy to import more African mercenaries, leading to a full civil war, but China is now becoming aggressive in the Spratlys here...

Big Brother is watching your facebook page.

First the government started to snoop to find terrorists, then the Google system snooped to aim their ads to you, and now your health insurance will snoop into facebook to see if you are really disabled, find out where you travel, and how you enjoy yourself: All in the name of detecting fraud, of course.

Be very afraid.

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