Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Stuff that makes you go WTF

Japan admits a major radiation leak, the US is going broke, and Obama is on Oprah again. So it's silly season in the headlines.

Love conquers all story of the day:

Several of the medical personnel arrested during the raid are suing Gloria for their detention, but now one of the five "defectors", who admits her guilt, has married a soldier from the detention camp.

... no information if she plans to sell the movie rights...

The fake archeologist who invented Jesus' tomb has a new scam: He is claiming Caiphas turned Christian, buried Jesus in his own tomb, and has the nails from the tomb to prove it.

to make it sillier, the nails found in the tomb "disappeared" from the archeology site, so he can't prove the ones he is showing are the same ones found in the tomb: and if they are, they are a bit too short to use in a crucifixion; but never mind, he has a film to sell...

In real archeology news, Tut's trumpet and other "stolen" artifacts are now back in the Cairo Museum.

Democracy? We don't need no stinkin Democracy posts of the day:

Fifty years after the fight to eliminate literacy tests used to stop blacks from voting, a CNN editorial says bring back literacy tests for voting.

and Nancy Pelosi gave a speech saying that if "real" republicans won, it wouldn't matter who you voted for because they would have "shared" values with the real folks.

The Brits are unhappy, so there is now an "Action for happiness" campaign to make them happier.
and no, their plan doesn't include selling drugs.

Let's tax fat people, says the LA Times,
once our choices affect others, there's a natural conflict between individual freedom and social responsibility. In a nation where rising healthcare costs and diminished access to medical care are issues of grave concern, personal decisions are no longer strictly private.
uh, fellahs, better watch it: that was the argument against gay bath houses, they were closed because they encouraged the spread of disease...

Archimedes mirror redux: US ship zaps another with a laser.

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