Saturday, May 21, 2011

Stuff below the fold

Even Instapundit is linking to the new wheat rust problem...the story has been around for a few years but now there is a worry it will spread.
on the other hand, rice seems to be in good shape this year.

the part about the Maunder minimum has to do with sunspots...most of history ignores the climate, disasters, and disease in the stories...

Philippines rejected Saudi plan to cut the OFW wages from $400 a month to $200 a month.

summary: lower the maid's salaries to slave wages, or we will cut off your oil and send "charity" money to your rebels...

there's been a lot of stories on the ongoing cyberwar. it's been going on for years, with hackers, cybercriminals and rogue nations going against gov't computers...not only in the US but against south Korea and India.

(the computer system at our federal clinic was taken down in 2002 so we lacked a lot of information, but luckily that was before we went to "paperless" records. If I am leery about paperless medical records, this is one reason why).

the danger: if the power plants are hit.

there is a shortage of critical medicines.
the answer? more gov't control, of course.

If I'm being sarcastic, I remember how this scam worked for childhood vaccines.

since Hamas and the Palestinians and the guy running Iran make no secret of their plan to destroy Israel, Obama's speech reminds me of the the idea that giving the Sudetanland back to Germany would lead to peace...

Area 51 story at Nat Geo...

Keep an eye on the Visegrad group...

They too remember the Sudetanland problem and don't trust NATO...

another clue that the "anthrax" killer ID was flawed.


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