Friday, July 22, 2011

Stories below the fold

The pious and intelligent Dr.E. at Persian Paradox notes the real meaning of the end times 12th imman (messiah) and why the president there is wrong to use the idea for political purposes...
this is resulting in him being opposed not only the reformers but the conservatives in Iran...

Hmm...sounds like he wants to be Darius the Great, not the 12th imman...
except that Darius actually helped the Jews reoccupy Jerusalem

Sigh. UN wants atrocities in Southern Sudan to be investigated.

The good news is at the end of the article: Ethiopia will send in peacekeepers.

Huge Somalian famine threatens the population.

UN is worried about this one, and then there is the Man-made famine in North Korea.

FYI: Kudlow backs the economic plan proposed by the "gang of six"...

well, if you say so.


Racist who murdered to revenge 911 was executed in Texas.

His victims were South Asians who ran convenience stores.

Charlie Sheen to return to TV playing the Jack Nicholson character in Anger management?

Type casting I presume.

How to tell if your email has been hacked.

Reston Ebola (the non human type) found in local bats...which is probably how those pigs got it last year.

The Philippines has a rugby team? Who knew? Actually, they are the kids of immigrants who live in commonwealth countries, and their use in ads for skivvies is raising eyebrows here.


Feminists quote of the week:

The "concern" from both the left and the right over Bachmann's health seems more like a dog whistle on the whole gender issue. What's next? Investigating whether she can lead when suffering from PMS?

funny pictures history - GO AHEAD
see more Historic LOL

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