Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The good news of the day

The good news is that the "Lone Ranger" movie has been axed because it cost too much...

I was annoyed that in this day and age they though they could get away with casting Johnny Depp with a goatee as Tonto.......heck, even under the lax Eastern Cherokee rules of 1:16 percentage he wouldn't get a CDIB card: "In an interview he stated that his great grandmother has a lot of Cherokee heritage."

in contrast, the TV version had Canadian First Nations member Jay Siverheels to play Tonto...

More info why you should be happy about this can be found at Filmdrunk: it was supposed to have werewolves

Indeed, because what better way to honor Native American mysticism than through a European myth recently repopularized by a kid with washboard abs in a movie about sparkly white vampires based on a book written by a Mormon?

It seems the high budget was for the Special effects, but after "cowboys and aliens" was a failure (I mean, it lost to the Smurfs!) they decided to ax it.

As for werewolfs: it sounds like the producers are mixing up Navajo skinwalkers with Scandinavian werewolves. so that makes sense: Depp is mainly of German heritage and loves Europe, not America.

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