Friday, August 05, 2011

Stories below the fold

Science and the city has a podcast by Brian Cox on exploring the Universe.


TORN visits the "Hobbit House" Restaurant in Manila.

and no, I haven't been there...I rarely travel to Manila and when we do, Lolo always wants to go to the gourmet Chinese restaurants there (we only have "fast food" Chinese restaurants in our area, mainly siopao and Mami noodle soup).


"This Is What the Moon Looks Like From Space

On Sunday, July 31, 2011, when Expedition 28 astronaut Ron Garan aboard the International Space Station looked out his window, this is what he saw: the moon...

Image Credit: NASA

Heartwarming story of the day:
Mom saves baby by donating part of her liver.

They both lived...

Background: The liver has two lobes, and so the trick is to remove the smaller lobe and put it into the other person. This is especially hard to do with babies.

I had a patient, a two year old who developed liver failure, where we sent the kid and dad off to Chicago to do this (which was experimental at the time)...alas, dad had liver problems (fatty liver from metabolic syndrome) and the baby died before they could get another donor.

The frustrating part of the background is that we had three cases of severe hepatitis at that time, and I alerted the public health department to check why (they had all attended a tribal ceremony six weeks earlier). Alas, I was shrugged off, and the baby's hepatitis and one of the woman's was blamed on tylenol (although there was no history of taking a huge dose) and the third was blamed on alcoholism, base on his history of being a Native American.

To this day, I feel all three had some type of viral hepatitis that was unknown at the time.


Forget diet and exercize. Want to live to be 100? Chose your parents wisely.

and the video of the week:

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