Friday, September 09, 2011

Ideas that make you go: uh?

Ten uses for Tennis balls.

Put them on the bottoms and corners of furniture, use them to massage sore muscles, open a jar, use them to buff floors and remove grease from swimming pools...

Here in the Philippines, to buff a hard wood floor, we use a coconut husk cut neatly in half. The fibers won't sratch, and the maids just scoot them around with their feet.

you can buy one here if you are interested, along with the short handled Baguio broom to pick up dust and the

we also have an electric buffer, for the public area which has marble tiles. Yes, it sounds expensive but it's actually not much more than ordinary tiles, and it doesn't stain when the roof leaks.


we used to use our second rinse water from the washing machine to water our plants when we had a drought in the US: the rinse water went into a sink, so we just put a bucket in there to collect it to use. The problem was that it was a lot of time and effort to do this.

but now Inhabitat says there is a machine to use your used water for the toilet.

it will catch on...Only if it's cheap and easy.

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