Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Stuff below the fold

When you've lost Maureen Dowd, you are really in trouble.

Internet archives now has a collection of 911 films and commentary on their "wayback" machine.

The Philippines made it into the news again: for a 21 foot crocodile.

and a larger one might be lurking nearby too.

Wikileaks reveals the reason our lovely ex president Gloria didn't declare martial law in 2005 was that the US opposed it.

Okie blogger Dustbury posts a Texas joke.

a couple days ago, a mother jones article blamed the west for the starvation in Somalia.
StrategyPage explains the real problem: it's the Islamic extremists, stupid.

AlJ. reports the same problem:

Al-Shabab fighters, who control parts of the country, withdrew from positions in Mogadishu earlier this month, in what they called a "tactical" move, but they continue to restrict aid into areas they control in famine-hit southern regions


Uncle Orson laments the rightwing takeover of the teaparty, instructs you how to use Q tips, and (from his review of the book 1493) gives us the factoid of the day:

Did you know that most of the silver from Spain's American empire went to China?

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