Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Poetry corner

today's poem, by TheBeachcomber, comes to us via CigarettesmokingBlog.

Christopher Robin visits the House

There are Communists and Socialists and Conservatives and things,
There are cranks, and dupes, and forgers and their slimy underlings,
There’s a roaring man with a ruddy face, and another as quiet as a mouse —
But I gave a bun to the Premier when I went down to the House.

There’s a man who brays “Protection,” and a lady who curses drink,
And at least three hundred and forty-six who never knew how to think,
There’s one who cries the Millennium, and one with a permanent grouse,
But I gave a bun to the Premier when I went down to the House.

There’s a wretched, lonely Liberal, with a face as long as a flute,
And a man who spends his leisure hours in making a corner in jute,
There’s every shade of incompetence, and all humbug under the sun,
But whenever I go down to the House the Premier takes the bun.

for those who never had a four year old, the poem can be found HERE.

and the factoid of the day comes from a book review on that blog:

The book also notes that the SAS's best Arabists were all Scotsmen -- something to do with glottal stops and rolled R's coming easier to them.

well, that leaves me out. I still can't pronouce the Lingual/dental rolling R (described here) of Spanish and Tagalog and some dialects of German.

However, I am good at the uvular rolling R of French and High German which wikipedia says is used by those speaking Arabic in Mosul and a few other areas.

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