Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Science news below the fold

While CNN is busy following the Michael Jackson death trial, the rest of the world is following the Nobel Prizes.

Nobel Prize for Medicine: for their studies of how the immune system works went to scientist Bruce Beutler, Jules Hoffmann, and Ralph Steinman.

The Nobel prize in physics went to those who invented the concept of dark energy.

New Nobel laureates Saul Perlmutter and Adam Riess of the U.S. and Brian Schmidt of Australia contributed to the discovery that the universe is not only expanding but also speeding up.

The finding led to the now widely accepted theory of dark energy, a mysterious force that repels gravity. Measurements show that dark energy accounts for about 74 percent of the substance of the universe.

a long lecture about dark energy that includes Dr. Perlmutter is HERE.

a shorter version for the rest of us dummies is this:


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