Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Stuff below the fold

Strategypage has a podcast on Pakistan and a written report on Afghanistan

If the US pulls out, Pakistan thinks China will fill in the gap, but the dirty little secret is that China wants the natural gas/oil from the silk road area, and isn't happy with Pakistan's support of terrorist groups in their western region.

GetReligion discusses the coverage (or lack of coversage) of the Washington Mosque's links with several different terrorists.

unlike the Catholic pedophilia problem, no one wants to blame the entire mosque/religion for a few criminals.

The Demands of the "Occupy Wall Street" folks are nice, but where is all the money going to come from?

Dustbury's take.

Next Top Ten Demands of Occupy Wall Street movement:

Unemployment benefits extended to 99 years
New logo for Bank of AmeriKKKa
Tim Tebow off television forever
Selective Service reactivated to select dates for Janeane Garofalo
Government to ration meat, Michael Moore to receive first batch of ration coupons
Investment bank to be renamed “Goldman Sucks”
Jersey Shore recast with progressives, plus Snooki
Global Temperature Saving enacted, thermometers to be set back 5 degrees in March, forward again in November
Double Rainbow Guy to be named Secretary of something
More cowbell!

My take here...

the usual idiots, of course... one conspiracy site claims they are being funded by Obama's Wall street buddies.

as the saying goes: fish, barrel, glock....

or maybe not...Mythbusters report

When Jamie fired a shotgun into a barrel stocked with 30 plastic fish suspended at varying depths, he struck only three of them, for a 10 percent hit rate. That stat may not be impressive, but the after effects of the shotgun shell in the water will compensate for any missed targets.

Yeah. That's why so many Filipino fishermen use dynamite to fish.


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