Monday, December 19, 2011

Flood in the south

Watch for all the PC to blame the floods that killed so many on "global warming".

But the real reason: corruption and incompetence. Illegal logging probably contributed to a lot of the mudslide deaths, for example, and that activity is allowed because someone took a bribel

from the Inquirer:

The absence of a flood warning, high tide, darkness and a false sense of security proved disastrous for people of northern Mindanao when Tropical Storm “Sendong” came over the weekend.

Add illegal logging, rapid urbanization and mining, and the result was deadly...

warnings went unheeded (prior rains didn't cause flash floods). The rivers were allowed to silt up. The illegal mining and logging removed trees that held the soil and absorbed water..resulting in landslide and flash floods... The pineapple plantations resulted in water running off, not being absorbed. And several dams/protective levees gave way...and many, worried that their homes would be robbed, refused to evacuate when warned, since previous floods didn't destroy the area.

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