Friday, December 23, 2011

Stuff below the fold

Quint at AICN has another report from New Zealand


John Howe links to Quint and PJ's film updates, but this week's blog post is actually a discussion about Egyptologist Christiane Desroches Noblecourt...


TeaAtTrianon remembers the Bells of St Mary's, and notes the reality of Catholic schools was closer to the sentimental film than the present day calumnies of them. The film is on youtube LINK


TeaAtTrianon also links to an essay on skating in the medieval world.


InOurtime podcast this week discusses Robinson Crusoe. Past discussions include Judas Maccabee and the Concordance of Worms.

That last one is more a laugh line nowadays, but actually it explains why a theocracy like Iran does not exist in Christianity

The Concordat created a historic distinction between secular power and spiritual authority, and more clearly defined the respective powers of monarchs and the Church.

Pass the smelling salts! Don't do mammograms because a false positive one might worry the poor dears...


Hmm...sounds like a lot of my relatives are going to be snowed in/have a white Christmas....
Which is why I moved to the Philippines to retire, where I only have to worry about floods, typhoons, earthquakes, terrorism, and Dengue fever....

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