Sunday, January 15, 2012

News you can use

from Improbable Research

The Drovers Cattle Network published “Cow pieology 101“. Here is the beginning:

Cow pieology is the study of cow pies, but it’s certainly not a science. It’s an art that beef cattle producers have practiced for many years. Many beef producers observe cow pies to determine when to start supplemental feeding or when to rotate the cattle to a different pasture. The shape, size, color and texture can tell a story about the cow’s diet quality.

By observing the cow pie, one can get an indication of the quality of the animal’s diet. This is not a science but rather an art that can be used as an indicator. Figure 1 is a cow pie from a pregnant cow eating hay that tested 14.8 percent protein, 28.2 percent fiber and 57.3 percent TDN or energy. This hay met the cow’s requirements for protein (7.8 percent) and TDN (53.2 percent). This cow pie was flat, round and dark in color. The fiber content in the hay was low (28.2 percent); therefore, the hay was easily digested.

Reminds me of the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy", where the male protagonist is doing his PhD research studying the droppings of wild endangered animals in the bush to check their nutritional level... and when the lovely young damsel asks him what he does, he stammers that he collects manure....

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