Sunday, January 08, 2012

organize your home

Home Sanctuary is doing a series on how to organize your home and housekeeping.

One added item: I used to instruct my patients to include a half hour of "relaxation" in the early morning: They should read a "wise" book that connects them to see their lives in perspective...many of my patients were Christian, but I had to instruct them to stick to the books that teach about love of God and our ultimate meaning of life, not the parts that make them feel guilty for not being perfect.

For others, I would tell them to do something they enjoy but usually put off because there are more important things to do. (e.g. embroidery, reading a Harlequin romance).

After that, they need to write down everything they "need" to do, and then cross off all the unimportant things or things that can wait.

And don't forget to add time to do things like "relax in the bathtub" or "do my nails" or "get a perm"....

and no: I'm not organized, and here we have someone who cooks and another one who cleans for us. No appliances here, even the washing is done by hand (although we have an agitator for sheets and a spinner to spin dry the clothes a bit before they are hung up). And all our food is cooked from scratch, unless we open a can of corned beef (usually kept in the cupboard for "emergencies" when we run out of food). Yes, we have refrigerators, but don't tend to freeze stuff a lot, because of the frequent brownouts.

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