Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Stuff below the fold

Nine million folks attended the Black Nazarene celebration in Manila...
there was a worry about terrorist threats (i.e. bombs) so they blacked out cellphones in the area (cellphones are a common way to set off AlQaeda bombs).

the devotion is strong because it reminds us that Jesus too suffered but is still with us in suffering.

alas, the terrorists did succeed in killing Baghdad pilgrims.

Police and hospital sources said 52 people were injured in the blasts, Reuters reports.

Shia pilgrims are travelling to the holy Iraqi city of Karbala to mark Arbaeen, the end of the 40-day mourning period for the death of Imam Hussein, in a 7th Century battle


more religious intolerance in Pakistan bodes ill for that nation.


StrategyPage's report on the Nigerian situation: Terrorists killing Christians is in the news, but Gov't incompetence and overreaction will make things worse.

This didn't get in the news at all: Christmas celbrations outlawed in Laos.


this didn't get in the news either:

In Mexico 41 children disappear every day. According to UNICEF, over the past 5 years over 75 000 children have gone missing, of whom about 20 000 are victims of traffickers. In the period 2009-2011 70% disappearances were registered, resulting from the migration to the United States or in the involvement of minors in criminal organizations due to lack of jobs and opportunities.
Yeah, my son's ESL class was full of teenagers who went to the US to find jobs and a free education. But the bad news is that the drug gangs are recruiting teenagers.

For example, the Mexican criminal organization 'Zetas' and the 'Gulf cartel' offer an average of $ 500 for trafficking in drugs, $ 1,000 to control the hostages for a month or $ 1,500 to spy and get information concerning the authorities movements.

So big deal: The White house held a Halloween party for Obama's children.
The big deal is that the press didn't report it. And some of us wonder why. Were they unaware of it, or did they keep quiet because they knew reports would result in negative political fallout for their candidate?

The "I know it's around here somewhere" report of the day: Is this an image of Dark matter?

and the "WAGD" story of the day: Completely drug resistant TB found in India.

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