Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Philippine news below the fold

They are making a new "tourist" campaign here, "it's more fun in the Philippines"....
or as GlobalNationInquirer noted:

The totally serious and passionate have latched on to the Department of Tourism’s campaign by proclaiming: “It’s more fun in the Philippines because we have the best beaches, best food, best smiles in the world, etc, etc.”

All true, of course. But then there are the wise guys and the kalogs.

They’ve already come up with: “Commuting: More fun in the Philippines.” Social Climbing: More fun in the Philippines;” “Prison: More fun in the Philippines.” “

One with a photo of a delicious lechon says: “Planking. It’s more fun in the Philippines.” And one naughty, if somewhat politically incorrect, version goes: “It’s more fun in the Philippines. Our terrorists are called MILF.”

Spot Phil gallery HERE, and here are some other examples from various websites:
photosourcce Sankieblogger

and more from this gallery or various sites around the net:

Visit Gapan! Even our sandals are huge:

photosource Novakistan


and yes, even Darth agrees.

that's a balloon from the Clark festival.

no USAFB no longer: it's a development zone and tourist area.

photo source The Bugged life.

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