Sunday, February 19, 2012

Art podcasts

The National Gallery of art has podcasts and also vodcasts on their website.

A lot of it is on various art subjects, including classic art, from Pompei to Michelangelo to Picasso, and the video has various subjects for your artistic pleasure, including lectures, and musical presentations. LINK

you can get it rss or via itunes.

Librivox has several audiobooks for you if you are interested in art:

How to listen to music.
and there are a few more "how to " for those interested in art or music

  1. Bennett, Arnold. "Literary Taste: How to Form It" · (readers)
  2. Devlin, Joseph. "How to Speak and Write Correctly" · (readers)
  3. Lehmann, Lilli. "How to Sing (Meine Gesangskunst)" · (readers)

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