ThorinOakenshieldblog notes that in the original Hobbit, that Bilbo's contract was only a page long.
But now it is many pages long, and includes lots of small print.
he then goes on to decipher the contract, which is exceedlingly funny if you ever had to cope with legal documents.First off, one need only glance at the yard long document Bilbo is holding to know the movie dwarves are leaving nothing to chance. The length of the contract appears to be at least 10 times that of the book version (and almost every available inch is taken up with fine print!) ... These dwarves are exceedingly specific in their “Conditions of Employment”, and I would say this time around, they will have Bilbo over a barrel if he tries anything with that Arkenstone (lame barrel-rider pun fully intended).
headsup the one ring net
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