Thursday, February 16, 2012

Headlines that make you go WTF (plus rants)

Physicians refusing to treat patients because they refused to let their kids get five million shots at the same time?

And other reports show docs turn down patients for smoking.

What's next? Refusing to treat alcoholics and drug abusers? Refusing to treat my "green" patients who deliver their babies at home and who who refuse to use chemical contraception? Refusing to treat gays who won't stop visiting the bath houses? Refusing to treat overweight people? Refusing to treat those patients who keep missing appointments?

heh: There go half my patients.


Iranian man blows himself up accidentally placing a terrorist Thailand?

Actually, the Thais have a very nasty Islamicist group in their south who are busy killing Buddhist teachers and Muslims who don't want to live as their ancestors did 800years ago. But this guy was a visitor, suggesting Iran is making mischief.

the bad guys in Iran have decided to hit their enemies in third world countries. The problem? It might make it harder for Iranians to emigrate.

Even here in the Philippines, we have a couple thousand Iranian students: our schools are good and teach in English, which means you will be able to get a job in the UK or US or Canada and won't have to go back home.

The emigration of the educated from Iran is a dirty little secret (it occurred under the Shah too). But this year, there is even an Iranian movie about the problem.

But a similar movie could be made about our OFW here, or in India, or in a dozen other countries where decent paying jobs are limited, and often getting ahead means who you know, not what you know...

latest "green" invention: rediscovering the heat exchangers.

I had one of these for my medical office 20 plus years ago.


make energy cheaper, and poor people will get greedy and want to buy more stuff that uses energy.

Yeah: Imagine that. Here, even the poor have cellphone, and buy used Korean TV's for 30 dollars, and vcd players that play pirated movies.

Discussion at Freakonomics.


Switzerland has plans to clean up the garbage in space
no, it will not use Megamaid, but a satellite with claws.

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