Sunday, February 26, 2012

Stuff below the fold

The UK argues Science vs Religion:
Virtually by definition, nothing in science is ‘incontrovertible’ – especially in a primitive and complex field as climate.

‘Incontrovertibility’ belongs to religion where it is referred to as dogma.

from a seminar given to the House of Commons.

It is possible to be "green", against pollution, and worried about degradation of the environment without being for a monolithic one world order that destroys the economic base of society for religious reasons.


And attention scientists: It's one thing to "steal" and release emails.

But don't try to use fake memos unless you are a computer geek...


The 5000 year old hug.

Newt called Obama's opposition to the the "born alive" act that mandated treatment for babies who survived abortions as being the same as "infanticide".

Now some bioethicists have published an article supporting "afterbirth abortion".

No mention if these ethicists, like the one who suggested we take organs from the brain damaged, are working for the US government...
and never say it couldn't happen....

The man who prints houses.

and now PirateBay has a "physible" category.

Drill, baby Drill:

the Russians are planning to exploit the Arctic.

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