Cocoa is rich in antioxidants called flavonoids, which help fight inflammation, lower blood pressure and improve overall vascular function. The antioxidants also affect metabolism and improve insulin sensitivity, Golomb says. Insulin resistance contributes to hypertension and obesity, she says.
Stomach stapling works better than meds for type 2 diabetes.
popcorn has more anti oxidants than fruit.
and it's high in fiber.
just don't add butter or salt.
an aspirin a day keeps the cancer away?
Adults who take aspirin daily have a 15% reduced risk of death from cancer compared with controls, and a 37% reduced risk of cancer death after 5 years, based on data from 51 randomized trials of daily aspirin use vs. no aspirin.
Yes, if you don't develop a bleeding ulcer from it.
Too low of an LDL might not be a good thing...
it might be a sign of cancer, but the debate if lowering LDL too much (using medicine) might lead to cancer is the real question.
Is H Pylori, the germ that causes ulcers, related to diabetes?
In another recent study, in the journal Diabetes Care, scientists at the University of Michigan and elsewhere analyzed blood samples taken from 782 adults from 1998 to 1999. The scientists looked for a connection between various chronic infections and Type 2 diabetes, and found only one: People who had H. pylori in their systems were nearly three times as likely to develop diabetes as those who did not.
I should note that "association" is not the same as "cause"...there are often factors that link the two things, e.g. if you have an ulcer, if you eat it hurts less, ergo you get fat.
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