Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Paranoia alert

When I first heard a soldier shot up a bunch of folks in Afghanistan, I figured he went "amuk" (to use the term that is used in the Philippines when an ordinary person goes crazy and kills people).

But the story is getting stranger and stranger. Yes, the usual spin is there, but not a lot of details.... even though the massacre site is within walking distance of the base, most of the reports seem to be from the "governor"....and now I'm reading stuff like this:

"U.S. Forces-Afghanistan, in cooperation with Afghan authorities, will investigate this incident," ISAF said in a statement. It did not give further details.

Kandahar Governor Tooryalai Wisa said a U.S. soldier left his base in Kandahar on Saturday and opened fire on civilians. He said initial reports indicated up to 16 civilians were killed. That could not be immediately confirmed.

real murders, or a "goat scam"? Or both?

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