Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Stuff below the fold

Here is has been announced that not only will we have to put up with rolling brownouts, but they now will last 8 hours.

Yes, we have a generator, but it's a pain, and often the internet goes off with the electricity.

Canadian blogger Mrs. Gay Caswell is again in trouble over a "libelous" blog post. Keep her in your prayer.

I have no idea if she is overstating the problem or if they are really out to get her. Knowing the politics of the "res" in the US, I'd suspect it's both: the "res" is out of sight out of mind if a local bigshot wants to get you.....

Update: Patterico Pontification blog reports a similar attack against Popehat.

Instapundit has links to various reports about the Supreme Court hearing on the Health Care bill.

Peking man report.

In the March edition of a scientific journal published by Johannesburg's University of the Witwatersrand, renowned South African paleontologist Lee Berger and two Chinese colleagues say the fossils may be lying under a parking lot in China's northern port city of Qinhuangdao where the Marine said he saw two crates of bones in 1947.

Insomnia book of the day: Around the world on a Tricycle.

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