Sunday, April 15, 2012

Insomnia download of the week

The classic book "The Cloud of Unknowing" is now at Librivox.

 Related book: Underhill's book Mysticism

or try this:

  1. Julian of Norwich. "Revelations of Divine Love" · (readers)
  2. Teresa de Jesus (Avila), Santa. "Conceptions of Divine Love" · (readers)
  3. Teresa de Jesus (Avila), Santa. "Interior Castle, The" · (readers)
  4. Kempis, Thomas a. "Imitation of Christ, The" · (readers)

No, I'm not into mysticism much myself. Different people approach God in different ways, something known as far back as
  1. Arnold, Edwin, Sir. "Bhagavad Gita" ·
but St Paul compares it to the various parts of the body which are necessary for God's work to be done on earth.

A good book on the various approaches to God can be found in this classic, by an honest atheist:
  1. James, William. "Varieties of Religious Experience" · (readers)
and for those of us who aren't mystical and just have to use the "little way" to find God in everyday experience, try these:
  1. Lawrence, Brother. "Practice of the Presence of God, The" ·
  2. Therese, Saint. "Story of a Soul, The" · (readers)

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