Tuesday, April 10, 2012

News below the fold

IF Drudge is right, the President's minions (including the media) are still inciting a race war to help his reelection, and similarly insisting that there is a war against women (while using government power to destroy Catholic institutions) and hiring the IRS to make sure you buy insurance.


But there is good news:

The President of Pakistan visited the President of India.

Romney pulls Santorum attack ad because Santorum's daughter is sick in the hospital.

Undocumented immigrants returning to Mexico are finding jobs and prosperity there.

Birth control pills make women fall in love with nerds.

Fido now gets his own chairlift to go upstairs.

Halifax remembers the Titanic.
it was Halifax that sent out ships to pick up the bodies, turned an ice rink into a morgue and interred the dead in three cemeteries.
"They built it in Belfast, sank it in the Atlantic and we buried it. In that sense, one very final part of the Titanic story is right here in Halifax," said local author Alan Ruffman.

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