Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Stuff below the fold

As Father Z notes, the new age nuns are trying to defend their theological errors as politics.

GetReligion has several articles on the strange coverage of the problem LINK    LINK2

Father Groeschel and some nuns discuss the spiritual crisis of the religious orders...the side you won't hear about in the mainstream media. podcast link. Note Father Groeschel has a PhD in pscyhology...

 Megaupload trial may go kaput because of major legal lapses.

It's not just for good old boys anymore: The latest sport craze: Archery.

Yes, all the little girls want to be Katniss...

While Obama shows weakness, China is threatening war with the Philippines. and they have started a major cyber attack on the government websites here.

The lastest yearly war games of the US/Philippines is making them angry (even though they happen every year and usually concentrate on disaster relief), but I wonder how many in the press noted that there are now joint war games between the US and VietNam?
Earlier this month, five Vietnamese Buddhist monks traveled to the Spratlys to teach Buddhism and defend Vietnam’s territorial claim. Tensions between Vietnam and China hit a low point last summer after Hanoi accused Beijing of interfering with its maritime oil exploration activities. Beijing denied the charge.

 CSMonitor has an article on the Ugandan troops who have been chasing down Kony for the last several years...
Joseph Balikudembe, the commander of the Ugandan operation, says the US soldiers are boosting the Ugandan army's logistical and intelligence capabilities. “They are helping us with hiring helicopters and providing fuel and other advisory roles. It is mainly logistics and intelligence,” he says... But none of the US troops have visited 77-Juliet out in the bush and for now it's down to the Ugandan army to pusue the LRA on the ground – whatever the risks.

The real root of Islamic terrorism: Corruption. Strategypage explains.

The SpaceX mission has been delayed.


A cow infected with "MadCow" disease found in California.

This could lead to Asia stopping the importation of US beef, so it is a bad thing.

Yet I wonder why so little attention is paid to "Mad Elk"disease, which is widespread in the US... a more recent link says the disease is now hitting deer in Missouri...

No reports (yet) if it could spread to humans: CDC page HERE.

Most pain killer abuse comes from medicine that is "borrowed" (or stolen) from friends or relatives... yes, a major problem for our cancer patients... so they will "educate" doctors on how not to prescribe pain killers?

Anti Asian bigotry by a cocaine using serial adulterer.


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