Wednesday, May 02, 2012


Since May 1 is the rememberance day for the victims of communism, maybe we need a "way back" machine to see how the propaganda machine was run.

Let's go to Lilek's way back machine. This photo is for a play called "“The Red Detachment of Women,”

Lileks comments:
This is our hero, Hung Chang-ching. The card describes him as “boundlessly loyal to Chairman Mao.” He’s also “the Party representative to the women’s company of the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army.” An all-around fun-loving guy, although his expression here suggests that he has just cut a rather ripe one, and is attempting to stifle comment with a fiercely revolutionary expression.... this play was one of eight permitted to be shown during the Cultural Revolution, so if you’re sick of seeing “The Matrix” on cable, consider that. It was also shown to Nixon when he visited China. The basic story: a peasant girl has her consciousness raised, leading her to great glory in the Communist party. The usual tripe.
more HERE. 
there is a whole series of propaganda posters that are enough to make one long for the realism of Thomas Kincaid....all described in Lilek's ironic style.

you can listen to the music HERE.

and although Lilek's logo, like his story, is old, somehow it sounds familiar.

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