Friday, May 18, 2012

Movies movies

They are making a film of Ender's Game, and Uncle Orson discusses how they are doing it: The special effects, and noting that it not making the novel but retelling the story to fit the media.

He also reviews The Avengers, and gives Joss Weldon a lot of credit for making it a success, even though such movies are too often lousy stories with good special effects.

Headsup AICN

Ender's Game Film blog here includes photos of the set.

I suspect a lot of clueless folks will compare it to the Hunger Games, but the Hunger Games was aimed at girls growing up, and Ender's Game is a boy growing up and how a soldier is trained story: it is actually linked to the battle premise of Heinleins' Starship troopers, and predates the Hunger games.

And no, I won't see it until it gets on HBO, because although we now finally have a theatre here in town, Lolo's hearing is too bad to understand what is going on without subtitles...

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