Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Psst: The Catholics are revolting

Well, not much in the headlines, but half a dozen Catholic diocese and various institutions have gone to court to sue the Obama administration over religious freedom.

the bad news? it's not just the bishops, it's even Notre Dame, and even Jenkins said the "negotiations" were a sham.

The press is in full court press over this one, but even if Obama's minions force a schism (maybe the trendier than thou dying religious orders opting their institutions to secularize) the church isn't likely to change a doctrine that goes back to the Didache.

The news story said that the kerfuffle caught the Obama administration by surprise, but this isn't true. Both Biden and  Bill Daley warned them it would cause problems,  but Obama opted to campaign on a "war against women" and his minions in the press were already loaded to push the issue. 

So expect Nancy Pelosi, Maureen Dowd, and the Democratic minions in the press to go full force in attacking the church, and if Obama wins the next election, figure they will pack the court to support them.

Traditional Catholics will only have a reminder from Andy Garcia on history at the box office on what can happen if they remain silent.

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