Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Shall we build the Enterprise?

This website suggests we could do it in 20 years.

A summary of the technical details can be found in this article;
The ship itself, as BTE Dan envisions it, would be three things in one: it would be a spaceship, a space station, and a spaceport. It would be big enough to host 1,000 people on board at a time, whether it’s crew members or adventurous explorers. ...
Years 1-9: Research, component testing, drawing up blueprints - Years 10-20: Parts development; components will be manufactured on Earth and launched into space for assembly (the entire ship would be constructed in space) - Year 20: The ship, complete with crew and supplies, would be ready for its first official “moon fly-by”

headsup from Col Updraft...

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