Friday, June 01, 2012

Stuff below the fold

NatGeo reports some scientists want to spray "sunscreen in the sky" to combat global warming...

Aside from being carcinogenic when inhaled, killing beneficial earthworms in the soil, getting into the food supply, and maybe causing a new ice age, what could go wrong?


BoinbBoing also links to a blogpost that shows how we get songs and software here in the third world.

It should be noted that even the 99 cents per song is too much for locals to pay, and that the average cost of a DVD with several movies on it is 80 pesos, but a single film VCD is even less... and that our street vendors manage to get some hit movies in the palenke before they open in Manila.

TV's cost the same as in the US, but you can buy a used Korean TV for 20 dollars US, and a vcd player for ten dollars, and most people are now on the electric grid, even in our farming areas.

All that hype about billions of dollars lost to pirates ignores the reality: For most people here, it is not the choice between pirated goods or the real thing, it's the choice between pirated goods and nothing...

The "WAGD" post of the day: Supervolcanoes have a short fuse. 

"Instead of lasting for hundreds of thousands of years, our study suggests that when these exceptionally large magma pools form, they can't exist for long before erupting, possibly just a few thousands or even hundreds of years," says Gualda.

Scientific experiment of the day: Bubble Wrap jumping

Mathematics here.

actually, I think they got it wrong. They used bubblewrap with small bubbles, that made him bounce instead of breaking the bubbles.

Perhaps they needed to use the larger bubble bubblewrap.( Bubbles Size: 20mm width x 6mm height )

standard bubble wrap is 10mm width x 4mm height

Atlas Obscura has an article on the Hoosac tunnel..

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